Once your baby is comfortably enjoying vegetables and fruit, you can start introducing the common food allergens anytime from the age of six months.
It’s important to introduce the common food allergens one at a time.
Breakfast is the best meal of the day to try a common allergenic food.
Offering it earlier in the day makes it easier to monitor your baby closely for a few hours following controlled exposure to a food allergen.
Most babies who go on to develop an allergic reaction will do so within a few minutes to two hours of consuming the food.
For this reason, choose a day when your baby is well.
Start with a small, cooked portion of the food allergen and increase the portion sizes over a few days.
This is the recommended way of introducing food allergens to ensure that you can easily spot signs of food allergies in babies.
Once your baby tolerates a full portion size, continue to offer the tolerated food as part of your baby’s diet to minimise any future risk of developing a food allergy.